7.5. Other Examples of Higher Order Functions

In this section, we will implement some other common higher-order functions

Many of these functions are implemented in the Python libraries toolz and cytoolz under the sub module titled functoolz. These two modules have exactly the same functionality, but the cytoolz functions are implemented within cython, which means that you get better performance. Unfortunately, you need a C compiler to install cytoolz, but toolz also has decent performance approximately equal in performance to similar tools from the standard library.


You can install these packages using pip from the command line, as shown below,

pip install toolz cytoolz

or you can run this command inside a jupyter console or notebook.

!pip install toolz cytoolz

7.5.1. Composition

Consider the following example, which involves cleaning up a string by removing punctuation, whitespace and upper-case characters.

In [1]: from string import punctuation, whitespace

In [2]: s = '''Success is not final,
   ...:        failure is not fatal:
   ...:        it is the courage to continue that counts.'''

In [3]: remove_punc = lambda s: "".join([ch for ch in s if ch not in punctuation])

In [4]: make_lower_case = lambda s: s.lower()

In [5]: fix_whitespace = lambda s: "".join([" " if ch in whitespace else ch for ch in s])

In [6]: s = remove_punc(s)

In [7]: s = make_lower_case(s)

In [8]: s = fix_whitespace(s)

In [9]: s
Out[9]: 'success is not final        failure is not fatal        it is the courage to continue that counts'

In this imperative example, we are mutating the value stored as s by applying one function after the other. We could have composed these three calls into one call, as follows.

In [10]: s = remove_punc(make_lower_case(fix_whitespace(s)))

In [11]: s
Out[11]: 'success is not final        failure is not fatal        it is the courage to continue that counts'

What if we want to reuse this code? Of course, we could use a function to make this expression reusable.

In [12]: clean_up = lambda s: remove_punc(make_lower_case(fix_whitespace(s)))

In [13]: s = clean_up(s)

In [14]: s
Out[14]: 'success is not final        failure is not fatal        it is the courage to continue that counts'

Function composition is so common that it will be useful to abstract the process of composing and applying a function.

Before we construct this function, it is useful to look at the imperative solution to the problem. We can use a for loop to cycle through the functions and an accumulator to keep track of the latest value of the output. Also note that we need to apply the right-most function first, so we will used reversed to iterate through the list back to front. In addition, we add a variable number of args to remove the need for using a list as an argument.

In [15]: def compose_imperative(*funcs): #*
   ....:     def new_func(item):
   ....:         output = item
   ....:         for func in reversed(funcs):
   ....:             output = func(output)
   ....:         return output
   ....:     return new_func

In [16]: clean_up = compose_imperative(remove_punc, make_lower_case, fix_whitespace)

In [17]: clean_up(s)
Out[17]: 'success is not final        failure is not fatal        it is the courage to continue that counts'

The fact that we are using the accumulator pattern indicates that this operation is a reduction. Creating this function adheres to the DRY principle, as we won’t need to explicitly compose functions over and over in our code. In fact, we don’t even need to give this new function a name, but can call it anonymously as follows.

In [18]: compose_imperative(remove_punc,
   ....:                    make_lower_case,
   ....:                    fix_whitespace)(s)
Out[18]: 'success is not final        failure is not fatal        it is the courage to continue that counts'

Now that we have recognized that this process is a reduction, we refactor the code accordingly. In this case, it is again important to work through the reversed list to preserve the order of operation of functional composition.

In [19]: from functools import reduce

In [20]: def my_compose(*funcs):  #*
   ....:     def new_func(item):
   ....:         return reduce(lambda acc, next_func: next_func(acc), reversed(funcs), item)
   ....:     return new_func

In [21]: my_compose(remove_punc,
   ....:            make_lower_case,
   ....:            fix_whitespace)(s)
Out[21]: 'success is not final        failure is not fatal        it is the courage to continue that counts'

There is no need to implement this function, as the toolz library includes an implementation called compose.

In [22]: from toolz import compose

In [23]: compose(remove_punc,
   ....:         make_lower_case,
   ....:         fix_whitespace)(s)
Out[23]: 'success is not final        failure is not fatal        it is the courage to continue that counts'
Composing text cleaning functions.
A composition of functions is itself a function that applies each argument from right to left.

7.5.2. Other types of composition

One must always remember that compose passes the input through the functions from right-to-left. Another composition function included in toolz, pipe, can be used to push an argument through any number of unary functions from left-to-right.

In [24]: from toolz import pipe

In [25]: pipe(s , fix_whitespace, make_lower_case, remove_punc)
Out[25]: 'success is not final        failure is not fatal        it is the courage to continue that counts'
Piping data through text cleaning transformations.
When piping data (first arguments) through a series of transformation functions (remaining arguments), the data is piped through each transformation from left to right with each subsequent transformation getting the result of the last transformation as input.

The pipe function is designed for a sequence of unary (one argument) functions. What if we want to perform a similar, left-to-right sequence of calls, but with functions with arity greater than 1? Use tread_first! The first argument of thread_first is the argument val that will be passed through a sequence of functions. The remaining argument are the functions that will be allied from left-to-right. thread_first allows a function argument to be replaced with a tuple in the form of (func, arg1, arg2, ..., argn), and the subsequent function call will be of the form func(val, arg1, arg2, ..., argn). Note that the first in tread_first indicated that the argument val will be the first argument in each call.

In [26]: from operator import add, pow, abs, sub

In [27]: from toolz import thread_first

In [28]: thread_first(5, (add, 2), (pow, 2), (sub, 6))
Out[28]: 43

# The above is equivalent to
In [29]: sub(pow(add(5, 2), 2), 6)
Out[29]: 43

If, on the other hand, you wish to a pass a value val through a sequence of functions in the last argument, use thread_last.

In [30]: from toolz import thread_last

In [31]: thread_last(5, (add, 2), (pow, 2), (sub, 6))
Out[31]: -122

# The above is equivalent to
In [32]: sub(6, pow(2, add(2, 5)))
Out[32]: -122


We will show how to use curried functions with pipe in the coming sections. Also, you will implement your own versions of pipe, thread_first and thread_last in the exercises found at the end of the chapter.

7.5.3. Partial Functions

In the second chapter, we illustrated how to use a function factory to generalize the apply_tax function.

In [33]: def make_apply_tax(rate):
   ....:     def apply_tax(cost):
   ....:         return rate*cost
   ....:     return apply_tax

In [34]: rate = 1.065

In [35]: apply_tax = make_apply_tax(rate)

In [36]: apply_tax(1)
Out[36]: 1.065

In [37]: apply_tax(4.55)
Out[37]: 4.84575

A simpler approach to this problem would be to define apply_tax as a two parameter function, but this would require us to input the tax rate each time with make a function call (repeated code).

In [38]: def apply_tax(rate, cost):
   ....:      return rate*cost
   ....: rate = 1.065
   ....: apply_tax(rate, 1)
   ....: apply_tax(rate, 4.55)
Out[38]: 4.84575

This apply tax function is definitely easier to understand compared to make_apply_tax. The traditional method for removing this unneeded replication of one or more arguments is the use of a partial function. A partial function is used to call a base function, but fixes the values of some of the arguments of this base function. We can use partial from the functools library to create partial functions.

In [39]: from functools import partial

In [40]: my_apply_tax = partial(apply_tax, 1.065)

In [41]: my_apply_tax(1)
Out[41]: 1.065

In [42]: my_apply_tax(4.55)
Out[42]: 4.84575

This solution provides a nice compromise between the complexity of a function factory and the unneeded replication of a second parameter. First, we don’t need to use the more complex nested functions; but we can still save the replication of the rate parameter in each function call.

So what is happening here? Clearly partial is a higher-order function (it returns another function). One way to think about this: a call to a partial function calls apply_tax with rate fixed at 1.065, leaving the cost parameter as the only remaining formal parameter.

partial makes it easy to fill in the left-most formal parameters, but what if we had ordered the parameters in reverse?

In [43]: def apply_tax_reverse(cost, rate):
   ....:     return rate*cost

Using partial here requires us to wrap our function in a lambda that reverses the order of the arguments.

In [44]: my_apply_tax = partial(lambda rate, cost: apply_tax_reverse(cost, rate), 1.065)

In [45]: my_apply_tax(1)
Out[45]: 1.065

In [46]: my_apply_tax(4.55)
Out[46]: 4.84575

The toolz library includes a function called flip that can be used to flip the order of the parameters without needing to create a lambda expression.

In [47]: from toolz import flip

In [48]: my_apply_tax = partial(flip(apply_tax_reverse), 1.065)

In [49]: my_apply_tax(1)
Out[49]: 1.065

In [50]: my_apply_tax(4.55)
Out[50]: 4.84575

Another useful approach is the application of a default parameter. Then we can use keyword expansion along with partial to create a specialized version of our function with a different default value. Again, partial saves us from having to type the alternative value of the keyword more than once.

In [51]: def apply_tax_default(cost, rate=1.05):
   ....:      return rate*cost

In [52]: my_apply_tax = partial(apply_tax_default, ** {"rate":1.065})

In [53]: my_apply_tax(1)
Out[53]: 1.065

In [54]: my_apply_tax(4.55)
Out[54]: 4.84575


Unfortunately some of the built-in python functions like reduce do not treat optional parameters as keyword arguments and another approach will need to be used for these functions.

7.5.4. Decorator Functions

partial is an example of a decorator function, which is a function that creates a wrapper around another function. The outer function calls the original function and then changes or decorates the input and/or output.

For example, when processing text, it is often useful to switch all the text to lower case. We will create a decorator function that can be used to wrap any function that returns a string and ensure that the output is lower case.

In [55]: def lower_out(func):
   ....:     def decorated_func(s):
   ....:         return func(s).lower()
   ....:     return decorated_func

In [56]: def emph(s):
   ....:     return "**{0}**".format(s)

In [57]: decorated_emph = lower_out(emph)

In [58]: decorated_emph("HI")
Out[58]: '**hi**'

This example should make it clear that the decorator function is a higher-order function, as it returns another function. Decorator functions are a core feature of Python and there is a special @ notation that makes it easy to apply a decorator function to the definition of another function.

In  [1]: @lower_output
    ...: def emph(s):
    ...:     return "**{0}**".format(s)

In [2]: emph("HI")
Out[2]: '**hi**'

Using the @ notation on the line(s) above a function definition immediately decorates the function emph as part of the function definition, removing the need to use different name for the decorated function.

7.5.5. Currying

Currying is another popular functional approach to partial application of functions. Recall that the arity of a function is the number of arguments the function takes. We can implement functions with arity higher than 1 using a single-arith functions with technique called currying, which is illustrated below.

In [59]: curried_pow = lambda x: lambda y: x**y

In [60]: curried_pow(2)(3)
Out[60]: 8

In Python, this approach results in replacing the commas between arguments with multiple function calls, one after the other.


Functional languages like Haskell and Scala have implemented currying as a basic design feature and using this approach in these language is considered syntactically cleaner.

The advantage to curried functions is we get partial application for free.

In [61]: exp2 = curried_pow(2)

In [62]: exp2(1)
Out[62]: 2

In [63]: exp2(3)
Out[63]: 8

A better approach to currying in Python is the use of a decorator. The toolz and cytoolz libraries provide a decorator function called curry that can be used to convert any function definition into a curried function.

In [1]: from toolz import curry

In [2]: @curry
   ...: def pow(x,y):
   ...:     return x**y

In [3]: # Partial application is possible

In [4]: exp2 = pow(2)

In [5]: exp2(3)
Out[5]: 8

In [6]: # But we can also call the function with full arity

In [7]: pow(3,3)
Out[7]: 27

In [8]: # this works for any number of arguments

In [9]: @curry
   ...: def f(x,y,z):
   ...:     return z*(x + y)

In [10]: g = f(2)

In [11]: g(3,4)
Out[11]: 20

In [12]: h = f(2,3)

In [13]: h(4)
Out[13]: 20

Let’s implement a simple version of this currying decorator. We will use the signature function from the inspect module to determine the arity of a function and return a partial function when provided with less then the full number of arguments.

In [1]: from inspect import signature

In [2]: from functools import partial

In [3]: def my_curry(func):
   ...:     arity = len(signature(func).parameters)
   ...:     def dec_func(*myargs):
   ...:         if len(myargs) < arity:
   ...:             return partial(func, *myargs)
   ...:         else:
   ...:             return func(*myargs)
   ...:     return dec_func

In [4]: @my_curry
   ...: def f(x,y,z):
   ...:     return z*(x + y)

In [5]: g = f(2)

In [6]: g(3,4)
Out[6]: 20

In [7]: h = f(2,3)

In [8]: h(4)
Out[8]: 20

In [9]: f(2,3,4)
Out[9]: 20


As stated, this is a simple version of the function which ignores key Python features like variable and keyword unpacking, as well as default parameters. Be sure to use curry decorator from the toolz in practice.

What if you wanted to to supply the first and third argument for an arity 3 curried function? In this case, we can make use of the flip function from toolz. This function calls a function with the arguments flipped.

In [64]: from toolz.functoolz import flip

In [65]: from math import pow

In [66]: flip(pow, 2, 3)
Out[66]: 9.0

In [67]: pow(2,3)
Out[67]: 8.0

flip works well with a curried function, as a flip will give access to the third parameter while leaving the second parameter empty and returning a partial function.

In [1]: from toolz import curry

In [2]: from toolz.functoolz import flip

In [3]: @curry
   ...: def f(x,y,z):
   ...:     return 1*x + 10*y + 100*z

In [4]: h = flip(f(1), 2)

 # Note that is is the middle number/parameter that is changing
In [5]: h(3)
Out[5]: 231

In [6]: h(2)
Out[6]: 221

In [7]: h(1)
Out[7]: 211


You will implement your own version of flip in the exercises.

7.5.6. Other useful curried functions from toolz

Many of the functions from the toolz library have been designed with currying in mind. Furthermore, curried versions of most functions can be imported from toolz.curried.

One example of such a function is get, which can be used to get one more more entries from a row of a table.

In [68]: from toolz.curried import get

In [69]: table = [[1,  2, 3],
   ....:          [4,  5, 6],
   ....:          [7,  8, 9],
   ....:          [10, 11,12],
   ....:          [13, 14,15]]

In [70]: get(2, table[0])
Out[70]: 3

In [71]: col1 = [get(2, row) for row in table]

In [72]: col1
Out[72]: [3, 6, 9, 12, 15]

get also takes a list in the first position and in this case returns all of the selected columns of the table.

In [73]: mixed_up = [get([2, 0, 1], row) for row in table]

In [74]: mixed_up
Out[74]: [(3, 1, 2), (6, 4, 5), (9, 7, 8), (12, 10, 11), (15, 13, 14)]

Using the curried version of this function makes it easy to combine it with map. The final result is the ability to quickly access selected columns from a table.

In [75]: list(map(get(2), table))
Out[75]: [3, 6, 9, 12, 15]

In the first line, we are passing the partial function get(2), which will select the third item when applied to a row. Then map is used to apply get(2) to each row in the matrix. Similarly, we can make a partial application or get by passing in a list of indices.

In [76]: list(map(get([2,0,1]), table))
Out[76]: [(3, 1, 2), (6, 4, 5), (9, 7, 8), (12, 10, 11), (15, 13, 14)]

This pattern has been abstracted in the toolz library in the form of pluck, where pluck(2, table) is functionally equivalent to map(get(2), table). Similar to combining map with get, pluck is a lazy construct that needs to be forced to completion.

In [77]: from toolz.curried import pluck

In [78]: list(pluck([2,0,1], table))
Out[78]: [(3, 1, 2), (6, 4, 5), (9, 7, 8), (12, 10, 11), (15, 13, 14)]

The curried version of pluck can be used to create useful partial functions.

In [79]: mixup_table = pluck([2,0,1])

In [80]: output = mixup_table(table)

In [81]: list(output)
Out[81]: [(3, 1, 2), (6, 4, 5), (9, 7, 8), (12, 10, 11), (15, 13, 14)]

Keep in mind that using pipe to combine actions on a list or table provides a readable description of a sequence of transformations. In particular, an application of pipe reads in the natural direction, left-to-right. Suppose that we have a table of hours worked for all employees over a period of weeks and we wish to quickly compute the number of hours worked by a particular employee, Ann.

In [82]: hours = [["Name",  "Week", "Hours Worked"],
   ....:          ["Ann",   1,      40],
   ....:          ["Bob",   1,      55],
   ....:          ["Alice", 1,      22],
   ....:          ["Ann",   2,      45],
   ....:          ["Bob",   2,      30],
   ....:          ["Alice", 2,      32],
   ....:          ["Ann",   3,      30],
   ....:          ["Bob",   3,      50],
   ....:          ["Alice", 3,      42]]

This process can be accomplished in the following way.

  1. Pluck the columns of interest from the table, namely hours worked and name.
  2. Filter the new table using the name column.
  3. Reduce this filtered list to the total hours worked by Ann.

Separately, this can be accomplished as follows.

In [83]: pluck_table = pluck([0, 2], hours)

In [84]: filt_table = filter(lambda r: r[0] == "Ann", pluck_table)

In [85]: tot_hour = reduce(lambda a, r: a + r[-1], filt_table, 0)

In [86]: tot_hour
Out[86]: 115

Careful inspection of this solution shows the table piping through a series of transformations, as illustrated in the following figure.

Illustration of piping the table through a sequence of functions.
The imperative solution pipes the table through series of transformations, using a temporary name to save the output of each step.

We can clean up much of the unnecessary complexity created by the temporary variables using the pipe function along with curried versions of pluck, filter and reduce.

In [87]: from toolz import pipe

In [88]: from toolz.curried import filter, pluck

In [89]: from functools import reduce, partial

# We create a lambda around reduce to input the initial value
In [90]: tot_hours = pipe(hours,
   ....:                  pluck([0,2]),
   ....:                  filter(lambda r: r[0] == "Ann"),
   ....:                  lambda table: reduce(lambda a, r: a + r[-1], table, 0))

In [91]: tot_hours
Out[91]: 115


Due to the fact that reduce does not treat the optional parameter initial as a keyword argument, we couldn’t use partial or currying to set this value, and were forced to wrap the function in a lambda expression to achieve this result.


This is useful when transitioning from writing imperative programs to writing functional programs. Anytime that you want to write code like this:

x = f(x)
x = g(x)
x = h(x)

transform this pattern using pipe and curried or partial functions, as follows.


Another mind-bending use of the curried functions from toolz is the curried version of curry. In addition to being used to create curried functions as when applied as a decorator, the curried curry can be applied to other functions. The end result is the ability to create a curried version of a previously defined function, even the built-in Python functions.

We will illustrate by continuing the example using map and get(2). By constructing a curried map, we can now easily define a partial function that will make a new table that contains only column 3.

In [92]: from toolz.curried import curry

In [93]: map = curry(map)

In [94]: get_col_3 = map(get(2))

In [95]: list(get_col_3(table))
Out[95]: [3, 6, 9, 12, 15]

7.5.7. A functional approach to table joins

In an earlier section, we illustrated how to use list comprehensions for various table joining operations (inner-join, left-outer-join, etc.) We can use the higher-order function from the toolz library to abstract these patterns, but first we need to refactor the original solution using helper functions. Consider the original solution given below.

In [96]: hours = [["Alice", 43],
   ....:            ["Bob", 37],
   ....:            ["Fred", 15]]

In [97]: titles = [["Alice", "Manager"],
   ....:           ["Betty", "Consultant"],
   ....:           ["Bob", "Assistant"]]

In [98]: raw_inner_join = [(left_row, right_row)
   ....:                   for left_row in hours
   ....:                   for right_row in titles
   ....:                   if left_row[0] == right_row[0]]

In [99]: raw_inner_join
Out[99]: [(['Alice', 43], ['Alice', 'Manager']), (['Bob', 37], ['Bob', 'Assistant'])]

To compare the rows, we needed to unpack the right key elements. Let’s refactor these operation into key functions that are used to compare the two rows (left and right key functions). In this example, the rows are matched based on the name (get(0) for both).

In [100]: left_key = get(0)

In [101]: right_key = get(0)

In [102]: inner_join = [(lrow, rrow)
   .....:               for lrow in hours for rrow in titles
   .....:               if left_key(lrow) == right_key(rrow)]

In [103]: inner_join
Out[103]: [(['Alice', 43], ['Alice', 'Manager']), (['Bob', 37], ['Bob', 'Assistant'])]

The toolz function join abstracts this pattern and can be used to hide the details of a join. The function join takes the left key function, left sequence, right key function, and right sequence; in that order. It returns a table of rows joined in a tuple.

In [104]: from toolz import join

In [105]: left_key = get(0)

In [106]: right_key = get(0)

In [107]: inner_join = join(left_key, hours, right_key, titles)

In [108]: inner_join
Out[108]: <generator object join at 0x10fd48888>

Notice that join returns a lazy sequence. This can be useful for joining tables when one of the tables is very large. More details will be given in a later section.

In [109]: list(inner_join)
Out[109]: [(['Alice', 43], ['Alice', 'Manager']), (['Bob', 37], ['Bob', 'Assistant'])]


The join function returns a tuple of rows. Frequently we would follow up with a map that cleans up each row into the desired form.

join can also be used for outer joins by changing the default value of the parameters left_default and/or right_default to None.

Consider a left-out-join. In this case we always want to keep the left row, even when there is no corresponding right-hand row. Those we replace the missing right-hand row with None by default by setting right_default=None

In [110]: left_outer_join = join(left_key, hours,
   .....:                        right_key, titles,
   .....:                        right_default=None)

In [111]: list(left_outer_join)
[(['Alice', 43], ['Alice', 'Manager']),
 (['Bob', 37], ['Bob', 'Assistant']),
 (['Fred', 15], None)]

Notice that we use right_default=None to get a left outer join. Similarly, we achieve a right-outer-join by setting left_default=None.

In [112]: right_outer_join = join(left_key, hours,
   .....:                        right_key, titles,
   .....:                        left_default=None)

In [113]: list(right_outer_join)
[(['Alice', 43], ['Alice', 'Manager']),
 (None, ['Betty', 'Consultant']),
 (['Bob', 37], ['Bob', 'Assistant'])]

A full outer join is constructed by setting both defaults to None.

In [114]: outer_join = join(left_key, hours,
   .....:                        right_key, titles,
   .....:                        left_default=None,
   .....:                        right_default=None)

In [115]: list(outer_join)
[(['Alice', 43], ['Alice', 'Manager']),
 (None, ['Betty', 'Consultant']),
 (['Bob', 37], ['Bob', 'Assistant']),
 (['Fred', 15], None)]

7.5.8. Memiozation (Optional)

Second, we need sequence helper functions that determine which values should be kept from the respective rows (left and right sequence functions).

One of the problems with recursive functions, especially if they are not tail-recursive or have not been refactored to use an accumulator, is the number of replicated function calls that get made. To see this, we create a decorator function that will use a global dictionary to track the number of calls for each unique argument. We then apply this decorator function to a recursive function that generates the nth fibonacci number.

In [116]: call_dict = {}

In [117]: def fib_with_call_dict(n):
   .....:     call_dict[n] = call_dict.get(n, 0) + 1
   .....:     return n if n < 2 else fib_with_call_dict(n-1) + fib_with_call_dict(n-2)

In [118]: fib_with_call_dict(12)
Out[118]: 144

In [119]: call_dict
{0: 89,
 1: 144,
 2: 89,
 3: 55,
 4: 34,
 5: 21,
 6: 13,
 7: 8,
 8: 5,
 9: 3,
 10: 2,
 11: 1,
 12: 1}

In [120]: total_calls_to_fib = sum( val for val in call_dict.values())

In [121]: total_calls_to_fib
Out[121]: 465

We see that, even for a small value of n, we get a larger number of calls for each of the numbers less than n. One solution to this problem is memiozation, which involves decorating our function and using a dictionary to remember the output of previous calls. First, we will implement a closure that includes a reference to a dictionary. Whenever we know the return value for a specific argument, we will save it in our dictionary. Furthermore, we will query the dictionary each time our function is called, and we will immediately return the solution if saved in the dictionary.

In [122]: def make_fib_with_dict():
   .....:     return_dict = {}
   .....:     def fib_with_dict(n):
   .....:         if n in return_dict:
   .....:             return return_dict[n]
   .....:         else:
   .....:             return_dict[n] =  output = n if n < 2 else fib_with_call_dict(n-1) + fib_with_call_dict(n-2)
   .....:             return output
   .....:     return fib_with_dict

In [123]: fib_with_dict = make_fib_with_dict()

In [124]: fib_with_dict(12)
Out[124]: 144

Let’s add some tooling to this function to track the number of calls that are immediately satisfied by the dictionary return.

In [125]: dict_calls = 0

In [126]: recursive_calls = 0

In [127]: def make_fib_with_dict():
   .....:     return_dict = {}
   .....:     def fib_with_dict(n, dict_calls, rec_calls):
   .....:         if n in return_dict:
   .....:             return return_dict[n], dict_calls + 1, rec_calls
   .....:         else:
   .....:             output, dict_calls, rec_calls = (n, 0, 1) if n < 2 else [sum(a, b) for a, b in zip(fib_with_call_dict(n-1, dict_calls, rec_calls), fib_with_call_dict(n-2, dict_calls, rec_calls))]
   .....:             return output, dict_calls, rec_calls + 1
   .....:     return fib_with_dict

In [128]: fib_with_dict = make_fib_with_dict()

In [129]: fib_with_dict(12, 0, 0)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-129-d8e40bb07861> in <module>()
----> 1 fib_with_dict(12, 0, 0)

<ipython-input-127-73d87a41c928> in fib_with_dict(n, dict_calls, rec_calls)
      5             return return_dict[n], dict_calls + 1, rec_calls
      6         else:
----> 7             output, dict_calls, rec_calls = (n, 0, 1) if n < 2 else [sum(a, b) for a, b in zip(fib_with_call_dict(n-1, dict_calls, rec_calls), fib_with_call_dict(n-2, dict_calls, rec_calls))]
      8             return output, dict_calls, rec_calls + 1
      9     return fib_with_dict

TypeError: fib_with_call_dict() takes 1 positional argument but 3 were given

The toolz/cytoolz modules provide a memoize function that can be applied to a function or used as a dictionary.

In [130]: from toolz.functoolz import memoize

# You definite don't want to call this without memoize
In [131]: def fib_print(n):
   .....:     print("Computing fib({0})".format(n))
   .....:     return n if n < 2 else fib_print(n-1) + fib_print(n-2)

In [132]: mem_fib = memoize(fib_print)

In [133]: mem_fib(12)
Computing fib(12)
Computing fib(11)
Computing fib(10)
Computing fib(9)
Computing fib(8)
Computing fib(7)
Computing fib(6)
Computing fib(5)
Computing fib(4)
Computing fib(3)
Computing fib(2)
Computing fib(1)
Computing fib(0)
Computing fib(1)
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Computing fib(1)
Computing fib(0)
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Computing fib(1)
Computing fib(4)
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Computing fib(2)
Computing fib(1)
Computing fib(0)
Computing fib(1)
Computing fib(2)
Computing fib(1)
Computing fib(0)
Out[133]: 144

Note that memoize also works as a decorator.

def fib(n)
    return n if n < 2 else fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

We can then check this dictionary and immediately return a value that was previously calculated. Since we need to mutate the dictionary, it will be defined as an external local variable and declared using the nonlocal statement in the inner function.

In [134]: def memioze(func):
   .....:     return_values = {}
   .....:     def dec_func(n):
   .....:         nonlocal return_values
   .....:         if n in return_values:
   .....:             return return_values[n]
   .....:         else:
   .....:             output = func(n)
   .....:             return_values[n] = output
   .....:             return output
   .....:         return_values[n]
   .....:     return dec_func

In [135]: def fib(n):
   .....:     return n if n < 2 else fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

In [136]: call_dict = {}

In [137]: fib(12)
Out[137]: 144

In [138]: call_dict
Out[138]: {}
Next Section - 7.6. Common Patterns for Processing Sequences with Dictionaries